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2023 NAWP Board Nomination Considerations:

  • this is a two-year term, beginning in 2023.

  • Board positions require a commitment of time & energy, that should not be underestimated. the nawp has many initiatives and all board members are expected to participate and will have assigned duties.

  • board members will be expected to supervise and lead initiative committees comprised of the general membership.

  • Board members function in a volunteer capacity & receive no compensation -- however, they do gain valuable experience & knowledge while serving.


  • Nominees must be current dues paying members.

  • nominees must be an active level member in good standing. (Active Level members are current, full-time certified law enforcement)

  • Attendance at 2 in-person general membership meetings/events a year is mandatory.

  • attendance at monthly board meetings & participation in active electronic communications (text/email)

open position descriptions:

PRESIDENT-ELECT:  The President-Elect shall serve as a member of the Board of Directors for one (1) year preceding her/his term as president; shall act as mentee to the President; and may perform other duties as determined by the Board.

PRESIDENT:  The President shall be the chief corporate officer of the association and shall preside at all regular meetings of the association and of the Board of Directors; shall implement all actions of the board and association membership; shall, with the treasurer, sign all written contracts and obligations as directed by the board; and finally shall serve as a member of the board for two (2) years following the conclusion of her/his term as president as “immediate past president.” The president shall also be responsible for publishing the annual report.

IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT:  The Immediate Past President shall serve as a member of the Board of Directors for two (2) years following the conclusion of her/his term as president; shall act in an advisory capacity; shall act as mentor to other Board Members and may perform other duties as determined by the Board.



SECRETARY:  It shall be the duty of the Secretary to attend to all correspondence, to read reports and communications that may be presented, to file the same with records of the Association and to keep an impartial record of all proceedings of the association and Board of Directors, and to perform all such other duties as may be required by these bylaws or which may be necessary in the interest of the association. The Secretary shall keep an accurate record of all meetings of the Association and of the Board of Directors and shall bring her/his completed reports to all meetings. She/he shall conduct all correspondence as directed.

Nomination submissions must be received by Monday, February 20th, 2023 at 1200 hrs. No exceptions will be made.

If you would like to volunteer for one of the above positions, please complete and submit the following form.
NOTE: By submitting the following form, you acknowledge the requirements/considerations
listed above.
I am interested in the position of:

Thank you for your submission!

If you would like to nominate another member for a position, please complete and submit the following form.
NOTE: the nominee will be contacted to confirm their willingness to accept the nomination.
I nominate her/him for:

Thank you for your nomination!

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